Amazon Music, or previously known as Amazon Mp3, is an online music store and music locker operated by Amazoncom Amazon Music can be accessed through Amazoncom web player It also has an Amazon Music Player App that supports almost all types of OS, which include IOS, Android, Windows, FireOS, Alexa devices, and many other smartphones OSThe best way to browse HD and Ultra HD music is with the Amazon Music app Songs and albums available in HD or Ultra HD will have an "HD" or "Ultra HD" badge To play music on your Alexaenabled device, connect to Alexa Cast by tapping on the Casting icon on the Now Playing screen Part 1 How to Cast Amazon Music to Chromecast on Android Amazon Music can be cast to a supported Chromecast device, using the Amazon Music app for Android Both the Android and Chromecast devices needs to be connected to the same WiFi network, or "guest mode" needs to be enabled on the Chromecast device Here's how to 1 Amazon Music Hd Review Soundg...